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Photo session for the video Tapping and scratching shoes 👠 Hand and foot movements. Long nails (13.05.2020)
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Photo session for the video Tapping and scratching shoes 👠 Hand and foot movements. Long nails (13.05.2020)

Photos: 17
A beautiful, warm spring day. My turquoise cat nails and pedicures look really cool. The photo session was shot before shooting the video "Tapping and scratching shoes 👠 Hand and foot movements. Long nails"
Published on: May 29, 2020
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High heels
High heels

I believe that my long nails and high heels are the epitome of perfection, and they exude a strong sense of sensuality. The synergy between my long nails and high heels creates a powerful and seductive aesthetic that I take great pride in.

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